LXPanel 0.10.1 released.
After long period of time without releases, another core LXDE component which is the panel, got a long waited release with few fixes. No new features yet but fixes are also good ones. Features will be later, that is certain. Anyone are welcome to contribute, as always. 🙂 New release tarball download link:lxpanel-0.10.1.tar.xz – SHA1: […]
LXTerminal 0.4.0 released.
Terminal emulator of LXDE had no releases for more than two years. Not much was added, not much was fixed but still some work done. Could be more of course but what we can do with our forces, that we do. Let hope we can do more later. New release tarball download link:lxterminal-0.4.0.tar.xz – SHA1: […]
LibFM + PCManFM 1.3.2 released!
Two core parts of LXDE most of the time are releasing together, and that happened again. Not new major changes, just few more bugfixes. I would like to say something about translation updates but… unfortunately our Pootle server is still down and no other solution was introduced yet, so just few minor updates via Git. […]
LXHotkey 0.1.1 released.
After some quiet time it happened again. We started to release. This time it was the key strikes configurator to be first. Some little fixes done and new version is ready for you! Stay tuned, yet some other updates will be for you soon! New release tarball download link:lxhotkey-0.1.1.tar.xz – SHA1: 2f41397a07dc3ae19607be23f61f09cdb93c8a3d Changes since initial […]
LXPanel 0.10.0 and some others…
Last month a big update have happened but lasted unannounced until now, being forgotten. But at least it isn’t forgotten forever. So… version 0.10.0 was released. You may think, if second number changes that would mean there were some improvements made. And you are completely right, there are few! First of all, weather plugin was […]
LibFM + PCManFM 1.3.1 released!
Two core parts of LXDE most of the time are releasing together, and this time it is not an exclude of that convenient habit. Not much changes since last release, as developers had too busy time and fortunately no crazy bugs were found. That said, some crash was fixed and, of course, translations updates, now […]
LibFM + PCManFM 1.3.0 released!
As usual, two core parts of LXDE are released together, with the same version, just because those are very close one to another, of course. In hope there will be a lot of features implemented the release was delayed for so long time but… life isn’t so simple, so not much of features added but […]
Minor updates: LXPanel, LXAppearance, LXTask.
Another small update on LXDE components. Few packages received bugfixes and therefore were updated. LXPanel 0.9.3, LXAppearance 0.6.3, LXTask 0.1.8 released. No other changes except for bugs fixed, other changes are not ready yet and will come later. New releases tarballs download links: lxpanel-0.9.3.tar.xz – SHA1: b7fd11267b192efcb87dadd38f96bfc3a4c5f448 lxappearance-0.6.3.tar.xz – SHA1: 1c281756b240694d0262edd9d40041d5b127d552 lxtask-0.1.8.tar.xz – SHA1: ad089ceb3cb467e021862c6804ae50f1993919f4 […]
LibFM + PCManFM 1.2.5 released!
As usual, two core parts of LXDE are released together, with the same version. Those are very close one to another, you know – LibFM is a core, and PCManFM is a frontend and desktop manager. And since bugs can be found in every piece of software (well, Murphy’s laws say so), releasing LibFM and […]