libfm 0.1.17 released! PCManFM 0.9.10 released!
libfm, the backend of the LXDE default file manager PCManFM, just got a new release to fix some outstanding bugs. Along with the libfm release a new PCManFM release is available, this update adds some improvements to translations. pcmanfm-0.9.10.tar.gz, sha1: 63fa355607ba5603d4e07dffc275a780afe9e27b libfm-0.1.17.tar.gz, sha1: 06767191b0c8fbcc12b0ad0a61cf3774f4448c86 Changelog for PCManFM Translation updates. Changelog for libfm d9a0701 Returns TRUE […]
PCManFM 0.9.9 released! libfm 0.1.16 released!
PCManFM, the default file manager of LXDE, just got a new release. This application need libfm 0.1.16 to work and incidently that is also released today! PCManFM has seen some significant improvements since the last release back in October 2010. Probably the most notable UI change is the reintroducation of the tree view in side […]
Upcoming releases
LXDM 0.4.0 was just released. Get the file at sourceforge. But that is not the only thing happening in LXDE land. Next week we will do at least three releases if nothing special happens. PCManFM, libfm and LXDM. PCManFM and libfm has been in development with no updates since last October and the much sought […]
PCManFM 0.9.1 + libfm 0.1.1 Alpha
Today, new alpha releases of PCManFM and libfm were made. Again, let me show you the screenshot first. Here are highlights of this release: Auto-mount for removable devices and and “Auto-run” dialog. (Finally we have this!) Support ‘menu://applications/’ to show installed applications in pcmanfm. (needs lxmenu-data) (reported to be a little bit buggy?) Support ‘menu://applications/DesktopSettings/’ […]
Exciting improvements in libfm and PCMan File Manager
Recently libfm, the core of next generation file manager, underwent heavy development and rapid changes. Here are some exciting highlights. The repository was completely moved from svn to git now. You can grab the latest source code with following command line: git clone git://libfm.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/libfm Drag and drop now works! You can even drag and drop […]
Recent Advancement on libfm (core of next generation pcmanfm).
Everybody loves screenshots! Look! It’s sftp://. By utilizing glib/gio and gvfs, now libfm can access remote filesystems supported by gvfs. Currently there is no auto-mounting. So when testing libfm, you need to mount the filesystems with gvfs-mount manually. However this should work once libfm is finished. The current source code in svn repositoy can already […]
Next generation PCManFM is now under development!
Everybody loves screenshots! This is the little demo program included in libfm demonstrating the functionality of libfm – the core of next generation PCManFM. Due to some limitations and various hard-to-fix problems in the original PCManFM, a new project is started to work on a fresh rewrite of PCManFM. Now I’ve created a project named […]