Updated roadmap of new PCManFM
As the development of next generation PCManFM continues, there are many questions from the community and there is even some FUD regarding to comparison with previous 0.5 series. It’s time to have an more clear and updated roadmap. Volume management: Currently, gvfs is used for this, but this dependency is temporary and it will be…
Lubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 is Released
The release manager of Lubuntu release, the community maintained Ubuntu variant featuring LXDE, Julien Lavergne just announced the availability of Lubuntu 10.04 Beta 2. Here is his release note on the mailing list: “The Lubuntu Lucid Beta 2 is now available. Don’t forget that it’s build with Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) which is still in Beta…
Important Updates for Google Summer of Code
Hi all potential students, Since most of the previously proposed items are not suitable for Google SoC because they are not challenging enough, I rewrite the whole page and list some real projects which can be done for the whole summer. Some of previously proposed items are too easy and some can even be done…
Make conky work with LXDE desktop manager.
It’s reported by many users that conky doesn’t work with desktop management provided by PCManFM. Personally I do not use Conky, but many of our users use it. I’ve been seeking for a solution for our users but didn’t find one. Recently I saw a blog post containing a screenshot with working conky + pcmanfm.…
Google Summer of Code
Since LXDE is accepted as a mentoring organization, we’re preparing for the event. Here are the current idea list and some guides on application for potential participants: The information from Google: http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2010/03/students-apply-now-for-google-summer-of.html The idea list of LXDE for Google SoC 2010: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Google_Summer_of_Code_2010 Guides for students: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Google_Summer_of_Code_-_Student_Check_List Except the items currently in the idea list, it…
LXPolkit – Simple policykit authentication agent.
Generally when one needs to use policykit, he or she needs to install policykit-gnome. Now we have our own. A new component LXPolkit was added. It’s minimal policykit authentication agent. Here is a screenshot: To test it, grab the source code from git. git clone git://lxde.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/lxde/lxpolkit After translations get updated and it has been better…
Standard LXDE project template containing a good set of automake/autoconf/gettext rules
For the upcoming Google Soc, I just created a standard LXDE project template. This template can be used as skeleton of future LXDE projects. It’s here: Online browsing or download latest snapshot: http://lxde.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=lxde/devtools;a=tree;f=template;h=734cb3e4c3abe223521b6d5c717537230d6822d6;hb=HEAD The following command should help you get it from git. git clone git://lxde.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/lxde/devtools Currently this template contains: 1. Our project standard autogen.sh 2.…
A Comprehensive Guide to Build and Setup New PCManFM/Libfm
I guess this is wanted by many testers and packagers. Today I took some time and write a very comprehensive detailed guide for building, setting up, and debugging pcmanfm/libfm. Testers or packagers please refer to this document. I think the page is enough for solving most of the FAQ. Please tell me if it isn’t.…
The first Beta release of new PCManFM/LibFM
Hello all LXDE users, Proudly I announced the release of PCManFM 0.9.3 beta + libfm 0.1.9 Beta. Since the begin of the rewrite last year, today we have the first Beta release. Highlight for this release: The file operations progress dialog underwent some major rework. Errors are now displayed in a much less obstructive way…
PCManFM 0.9.2 and libfm 0.1.5 alpha
I just released pcmanfm 0.9.2 + libfm 0.1.5 alpha. The main change beside bug fixes is the ability to set default web browser and mail client. This is achieved via a new gio module. Now you can execute libfm-pref-apps to see it. By default it’s hidden from applications menu if you’re in Gnome, KDE, or…