LXDE Summer of Code Projects – Apply now

The Google Summer of Code is now accepting applications from students for projects. There are a number of projects, that could accept LXDE related works. If you have an idea we are open to support you and discuss it. Please join us in the LXDE channel on irc.oftc.net. I would also like to support you and endorse any applications by talking to projects directly. Just let me know, please.

Here is a list of projects related to LXDE.

For a full list look here: http://socghop.appspot.com/program/accepted_orgs/google/gsoc2009

Did I forget any relevant project? Please leave a comment then.

As a side note, I am also the administrator of the Freifunk project in GSoC, which is an OpenWrt based firmware. Generally we are looking for any good ideas related to mesh networks. So get in touch with me if you have any ideas: Freifunk http://socghop.appspot.com/org/show/google/gsoc2009/ffopenwrt

2 responses to “LXDE Summer of Code Projects – Apply now”

  1. You linked to the same debian GSOC project for most of the items in your list.