Google Summer of Code: Please submit your ideas and student applications for LXDE
LXDE has been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2010. We are looking forward to a great summer with more people joining development. Please propose ideas for the program on our idea page. Students wishing to apply, please check out the Student Check List in the wiki and join us on […]
LXDE Google Summer of Code 2010
LXDE is applying as a project for the Google Summer of Code 2010. For students it is a good way to get deeper involved into Free and Open Source Software and LXDE specifically. During the summer students have the chance to code on LXDE and get paid by Google. Some other projects usually also offer […]
Recent Development Status of LXNM
LXNM (Lightweight Network Manager) is working now after a long time for development. If you often check the news of SVN, you can notice that the next generation of LXNM has already supported wireless connection setting, also it has many feature as old version of LXNM. The new implementation and protocol defination seems to work […]
LXNM current status and the plan in the future
Next generation of LXNM (Lightweight Network Manager) is still under development right now, You guys can see the prototype which was implemented in SVN already. In the future, LXNM will provide some programs includes lxnm daemon, utility which is a command line program to make control of all kind of networking devices be unified into […]
Summer of Code slots available for LXDE through Debian
There are still opportunities for people interested in working on LXDE as a summer of code project. We are in touch for example with the Debian project, who offered to give spots to students from the LXDE project for example for a better integration. Also, new student projects are welcome. The summer of code program […]
LXDE Summer of Code Projects – Apply now
The Google Summer of Code is now accepting applications from students for projects. There are a number of projects, that could accept LXDE related works. If you have an idea we are open to support you and discuss it. Please join us in the LXDE channel on irc.oftc.net. I would also like to support you […]
Summer of Code: Please submit your project ideas
I have submitted our application for the Google Summer of Code 2009 and we are looking forward to the participation of the LXDE project. We are applying with LXDE and PCMan File Manager as dedicated software projects. We are gathering project ideas for LXDE in the wiki. If you are interested to join LXDE at […]