Category: Videos

  • LXDE on Nexus One phone

    Sven Killig has managed to run LXDE on his Nexus One in a USB host mode. He has made a video showing how all kinds of devices plugged in – including a web cam, keyboards, screens and a display link unit. Connect USB devices to your Nexus One Hardware Nexus One Micro USB OTG cable […]

  • Our source code repositories has migrated to Git

    We migrated the source code repositories from Subversion to Git recently. Thanks to the HOW-TO, the commit logs in Subversion are all preserved. Why we want to migrate them to Git? The main reason is speed. LXDE is a desktop environment with fast in mind, thus we need a fast SCM which can match our […]

  • LXPanel 0.5.2

    There is a new video on LXPanel 0.5.2 on Youtube. It introduces the new functions of LXPanel: Youtube: Maces Blog:

  • LXDE Summer of Code Projects – Apply now

    The Google Summer of Code is now accepting applications from students for projects. There are a number of projects, that could accept LXDE related works. If you have an idea we are open to support you and discuss it. Please join us in the LXDE channel on I would also like to support you […]

  • LXDE Meeting in Shenzhen – Video

    There is now a video online of the gathering with the Shenzhen Linux User Group and our discussion about Open Source and LXDE provided from Zhang Le. Thanks a lot! Google Video: Avi-Link: Mario BehlingMario Behling is a German born serial entrepreneur. He founded the lubuntu project, and as the co-founder of FOSSASIA […]

  • LXDE – video of the desktop environment

    LXDE Video of the desktop: Maces explains how to add desktop icons, change colors and fonts, switch different desktops and customize the panel and taskbar on LXDE Maces: I have uploaded a new video on Youtube. It shows the main features of the LXDE Desktop environment. I will introduce the Panel and it stettings and […]

  • LXTask video of the standard LXDE task manager and system monitor

    Another video of an LXDE component by Maces. LXTask is the standard task manager and system monitor of LXDE. It starts via Ctrl+Alt+Del and is extremely lightweight. YouTube: Maces Blogpost with German Video: LXTask auf Sourceforge:… LXTask in the LXDE Wiki: Mario BehlingMario Behling is a German born serial entrepreneur. He […]

  • PCMan presentation at OpenTechSummit 2008 in Taiwan

    The presentation of the main developer of LXDE, PCMan, at the OpenTechSummit 2008 in Taiwan is now available on the OpenTechWiki and on Google Video.

  • PCManFM: PCMan File Manager Video by Maces

    Maces has made a number of videos presenting some of the core components of LXDE. The videos are in English. Additionally he produced a German version for each component. The first video is about the LXDE Filemanager, PCManFM. PCMan File Manager (PCManFM) is a file manager application developed by Hong Jen Yee from Taiwan which […]