PCManFM 0.9.1 + libfm 0.1.1 Alpha
Today, new alpha releases of PCManFM and libfm were made. Again, let me show you the screenshot first. Here are highlights of this release: Auto-mount for removable devices and and “Auto-run” dialog. (Finally we have this!) Support ‘menu://applications/’ to show installed applications in pcmanfm. (needs lxmenu-data) (reported to be a little bit buggy?) Support ‘menu://applications/DesktopSettings/’…
Exciting improvements in libfm and PCMan File Manager
Recently libfm, the core of next generation file manager, underwent heavy development and rapid changes. Here are some exciting highlights. The repository was completely moved from svn to git now. You can grab the latest source code with following command line: git clone git://libfm.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/libfm Drag and drop now works! You can even drag and drop…
Recent Advancement on libfm (core of next generation pcmanfm).
Everybody loves screenshots! Look! It’s sftp://. By utilizing glib/gio and gvfs, now libfm can access remote filesystems supported by gvfs. Currently there is no auto-mounting. So when testing libfm, you need to mount the filesystems with gvfs-mount manually. However this should work once libfm is finished. The current source code in svn repositoy can already…
LXPanel 0.5.3
LXPanel 0.5.3 was released today. We are working toward alleviating the discomfort that some users feel with vertical panels as they exist in 0.5.x for use on smaller screens. Please feel free to discuss further. General A serious flaw that prevented vertical panels from honoring their configured size was corrected. With this fixed it is…
LXPanel 0.5.1 is released.
Soon after Marty Jack released LXPanel 0.5.0, I made some minor enhancements and here comes LXPanel 0.5.1. Changes: The “Run” dialog no longer hangs. Now it’s showed immediately when you open it. Available commands for auto-completion is loaded in background with multi-threading. Restore the old behavior of taskbar in earlier versions: Taskbar button for the…
Next generation PCManFM is now under development!
Everybody loves screenshots! This is the little demo program included in libfm demonstrating the functionality of libfm – the core of next generation PCManFM. Due to some limitations and various hard-to-fix problems in the original PCManFM, a new project is started to work on a fresh rewrite of PCManFM. Now I’ve created a project named…
xkb: New Applet for LXPanel
PCMan has added a new branch named lxpanel-xkb in the LXDE Repository. svn co https://lxde.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/lxde/branches/lxpanel-xkb It’s a new applet for lxpanel which will be a keyboard layout switcher. The original one in lxpanel is broken, and will be removed. The new one will be based on libxlavier, a good library handling xkb. However, we’re from…
If you don’t like to be forced to use gnome standards, please join xdg mailing list.
The current standard/specifications followed by most of the major UNIX desktop enviromnents, such as Gnome, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, and ROX, is called freedesktop.org. See http://www.freedesktop.org/ for detail. Freedesktop.org is formed by a group of developers. Developers duscusses on the so called ‘xdg’ mailing list to come up with some specs which will be followed by…
GPicView 0.2 beta is coming with GIF animation support!
Finally, we have yet another new release of GPicView. http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php/GPicView Really glad to announce the upcoming release of gpicview 0.2. With the help from Marty Jack and Louis Casillas, some new features are added. * GIF animation support!! * Save jpeg and png files with different compression ratio. * Background color can be freely changed.…