No, LXDE-Qt is not bloated
After posting a preview screenshot for LXDE-Qt, I got quite a lot of feedback from various sources. Generally the responses from the users are positive, but there are also some people saying that LXDE is no longer lightweight. Please, in the free world we’re all friends and let’s not spread FUDs to hurt each other.…
LXDE-Qt Preview
Many users have read about our recent Qt-related work in prior blog posts. The GTK+ version of LXDE is still under development, but we did some experiments with Qt, too. Now I have some things to show you. 🙂 Here is a preview screenshot for LXDE-Qt. At the bottom of the screen is lxpanel-qt, the Qt…
Please use PCManFM-Qt git version for now.
As many people know, a Qt port of PCManFM is under heavy development. Although we released PCManFM-Qt 0.1 previously, it contains some bugs and memory leaks. Most of the issues are already solved in the latest source code in our online git repository and will be available in the next release. However, the new code…
A Guide for Migrating from Gtk+ to Qt
Since I started learning Qt recently, I noted some issues when trying to port Gtk+ programs to Qt. There are tons of tutorials for Gtk+ and Qt, but a guide for porting is lacking. Most of the articles comparing Gtk+ and Qt did not go into detailed issues people will encounter during coding. To help…
PCManFM Qt 0.1.0 released
Hello world, I just released PCManFM Qt file manager 0.1.0, the first Qt port of PCManFM. The tarball is available for download from our project page. You’ll need libfm to build it (which is included in many distros). P.S. When running the program for the first time, please choose an icon theme from the [Edit]…
PCManFM Qt port is 85% finished now!
A picture is worth a thousands words so again let’s see the screenshot first. This is the Qt port of PCManFM with desktop management feature turned on. The desktop icons and the wallpaper were painted by PCManFM-Qt, just like the gtk+ version of the original PCManFM. The new Qt port is in a pretty good…
PCManFM file manager is ported to Qt?
No, LXDE will NOT use Qt. Don’t panic!! It’s just one of my side projects and was an experiment to test how good libfm and Qt are. Since the core library of PCManFM, libfm, is carefully separated from its Gtk+ UI code, theoratically it can be ported to other GUI toolkits. To give it a…
PCManFM 1.1.0 and libfm 1.1.0!
Double release!? We made a poop here. First we pushed 1.0.2 of PCManFM and libfm, that was busted and needed an adjustment. At the same time we debated the version numbering things and as we had to do a new release we decided to bump the version number to hilight the fact that there are…