Benchmark: Memory Usage: LXQt desktop environment vs XFCE
It has always been rumored that Qt is bloated so programs written in Qt should be bloated. Some even argued that the LXDE developers made a wrong decision on the migration to LXQt. Why not replace the assumptions with some experiments? In fact, LXQt 0.11 even uses slightly less memory than XFCE (with gtk+ 2). After…
Qt5 port of Pulse Audio Volume Control (pavucontrol)
There has long been needs for a simple Qt frontend for pulseaudio-based audio mixer. So I ported the gtk+ version pavucontrol program to Qt5 for use in LXQt.
Memory Usage of LXQt 0.9
Since the release of LXQt 0.9 several days ago, many people are curious about its memory usage since in the release announcement we mentioned the use of two libraries from KDE framework 5. Don’t worry! They are just “pure Qt libraries” without other KDE dependencies (Thank you KDE guys!). Good engineers always base their design…
LXQt Performance Tips
As we’re going to have a new release for LXQt 0.9, I’d like to provide some performance tips for users and packagers.
In memory of Razor-qt
Although people often compare LXDE and the “so-called” Qt port, LXQt with each other, they are actually from different code bases. The most parts of LXQt are actually built on top of razor-qt, a lightweight Qt-based DE with the same philosophy as LXDE. We reorganized the source code of razor-qt and removed unused pieces. Then we…
Status update for “LXDE”
Yes, it’s about the gtk+ version LXDE, not LXQt. Previously, razor-qt and lxde project merged and formed LXQt project, which just had a 0.8 release. Though the original plan was to migrate to Qt, this does not mean that LXDE is dropped. As many of the users have noted, many LXDE gtk+ components got updates…
LXQt now has “full” Qt5 support
After the first official public release 0.7, the LXQt team is working on making it better. Our recent focus is fixing existing bugs and migrating from Qt4 to Qt5, which is required if we want to support Wayland. Now we had something to show. The latest source code in our git repository can be compiled…
LXQt-Admin: System admin tools for LXQt arrived
It’s known that system admin tools for LXQt were lacking. This is no longer true. A new component lxqt-admin landed int our git repo. Please see the screenshots. 🙂 These are “desktop-independent” pure Qt tools based on system-tool-backends. lxqt-admin-time: Tool to configure date and time. lxqt-admin-user: Tool to manage users and groups. We know that…
Some Numbers About LXQt for Those Who Are Curious
After the initial release of LXQt, I found that there is a FAQ. How’s the memory usage? Will it become a bloated memory hog because of Qt? Here are some numbers for you. My test environment is the latest Debian stable installed in VirtualBox with 512 MB of RAM and 1 CPU core assigned. After…
LXQt Got Initial FreeBSD support.
Recently, PC-BSD developers just reminded us that there is an unmet need for a Qt desktop for BSDs. So, here you go. 🙂 As stated earlier, we’re not really Linux-centric. We support Linux better simply because we’re Linux users. Now with some help from several FreeBSD users, things can be different. I installed FreeBSD 10…