• Fedora 10 with LXDE

    We are excited to see another distribution including LXDE. Fedora offers LXDE in its new versions arriving November 26 25, 2008. This release of Fedora comes with an additional desktop environment named LXDE. LXDE is a new project that provides a lightweight, fast desktop environment designed to be usable and slim enough to keep resource…

  • Netbooks shipping with LXDE on Mandriva

    I met up with the folks from Mandriva in Paris a few days ago and it was exciting to hear some great news. They announced already that they include LXDE in Mandriva 2009. Mandriva is also offering customized Linux versions for netbook manufacturers and has started to ship with LXDE on netbooks in large numbers…

  • Founding of the Freedesktop Group in Beijing

    I was honered to be a guest at the founding meeting of the Freedesktop Group Bejing (which is part of the College Open Source Society) last Saturday, November 8, 2008 at Tsinghua University and to introduce LXDE to some of the brightest IT students from universities in Beijing. [singlepic=27,400,,,] Since my arrival in Beijing I…

  • LXDE – video of the desktop environment

    LXDE Video of the desktop: Maces explains how to add desktop icons, change colors and fonts, switch different desktops and customize the panel and taskbar on LXDE Maces: I have uploaded a new video on Youtube. It shows the main features of the LXDE Desktop environment. I will introduce the Panel and it stettings and…

  • GPicView video of the standard picture viewer of LXDE

    This video by maces presents GPicView the standard picture viewer developed by the LXDE team. Installation in Debian, Ubuntu and other distributions: pacman -Sy gpicview Features Extremely lightweight and fast with low memory usage Very suitable for default image viewer of desktop system Simple and intuitive interface Minimal lib dependency: Only pure GTK+ is used…

  • LXTask video of the standard LXDE task manager and system monitor

    Another video of an LXDE component by Maces. LXTask is the standard task manager and system monitor of LXDE. It starts via Ctrl+Alt+Del and is extremely lightweight. YouTube: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruk6rjAIyRQ Maces Blogpost with German Video: http://www.maces-net.de/2008/10/07/kurzvorstellung-lxtask/ LXTask auf Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?gro… LXTask in the LXDE Wiki: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXTask Mario BehlingMario Behling is a German born serial entrepreneur. He…

  • System benchmark tests of LXDE with lmbench suite.

    Penk from the LXDE core team in Taiwan has done a lxde system benchmark test using the lmbench suite. lmbench is a suite of simple, portable ANSI/C microbenchmarks for UNIX/POSIX. In general, it measures two key features: latency and bandwidth. It is intended to give system developers insight into basic costs of key operations. (http://freshmeat.net/projects/lmbench/)…

  • LXDE with 3D desktop effects

    Thomas Kross aka captagon from the LXDE Sid Edition has posted some nice screenshots of LXDE with Compiz and 3D effects. Even though this makes LXDE a bit slower, it is a proof that these effects can work well on low end computers. I hope the LXDE developers find a way to speed up compiz…

  • LXDE Forum online at forum.lxde.org

    We have set up a forum at forum.lxde.org. The forum is powered by phpBB. Thanks for installing to Medical Wei. I have added a few topics already including General Help, Installation and Upgrade of LXDE, Hardware & Laptops with LXDE, Networking & Wireless, LXDE Components, LXDE Development & Programming, Partner Repository, and Chinese LXDE Forum…

  • PCManFM: PCMan File Manager Video by Maces

    Maces has made a number of videos presenting some of the core components of LXDE. The videos are in English. Additionally he produced a German version for each component. The first video is about the LXDE Filemanager, PCManFM. PCMan File Manager (PCManFM) is a file manager application developed by Hong Jen Yee from Taiwan which…