LXNM current status and the plan in the future
Next generation of LXNM (Lightweight Network Manager) is still under development right now, You guys can see the prototype which was implemented in SVN already. In the future, LXNM will provide some programs includes lxnm daemon, utility which is a command line program to make control of all kind of networking devices be unified into […]
xkb: New Applet for LXPanel
PCMan has added a new branch named lxpanel-xkb in the LXDE Repository. svn co https://lxde.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/lxde/branches/lxpanel-xkb It’s a new applet for lxpanel which will be a keyboard layout switcher. The original one in lxpanel is broken, and will be removed. The new one will be based on libxlavier, a good library handling xkb. However, we’re from […]
LXDE Translation Project
We are starting the LXDE translation project. Please join the LXDE translation team now! Help translating LXDE into different languages. Join us improving the documentation and resources around LXDE. It is the aim of the LXDE team and community to give access to information to people with less powerful hardware. Many did not have the […]
LXPanel 0.4.0 beta! Testers are needed!
We haven’t have new releases of LXPanel for quite a long time, but the development is still ongoing. Major Changes: * Greatly rewrite application menu with our new menu-cache library. Now it’s complete and more user-friendly * Improved “Run” dialog * Improved OSS volume plugin * Image showed on application menu button can be changed […]