Serbian and (soon) Catalan translations added!
LXDE пројекат је данас веома срећан да објави да је српски још један од подржаних језика у LXDE радном окружењу. Са српским преводом, број корисника које могу користити LXDE радно окружење на матерњем језику повећава за око 11 милиона!
First lubuntu Test ISO Available
The lubuntu project is advancing. lynxis just published a lubuntu test iso based on the seeds by David Sugar and additional patches. It is just 381 MB and a second one only 292 MB. Please download the image and test it and give feedback: http://lynxis.crew.c-base.org UPDATE: The CD images from the link above are now […]
Debian-LXDE Dokumentation von Heike Jurzik bei Galileo Press
Das neue Debian GNU/Linux-Buch von Heike Jurzik enthält eine achtseitige Dokumentation über LXDE Debian. Das Buch ist bei Galileo Press erschienen. Wir freuen uns die Seiten zu LXDE mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Autorin und des Verlags für die LXDE Community zur Verfügung stellen zu können. Im deutschen LXDE-Wiki findet sich die LXDE Dokumentation zum Nachlesen: […]
If I had a XO as a child!?
Visited the local post office earlier this week and collected a parcel from Berlin. Mario had sent me one OLPC XO courtsey of the LXDE Foundation. I will use it to participate in the LXDE based efforts for doing things for the OLPC project. The aims for the LXDE side of thing is to take […]
Alternative Music Player For LXDE – Aqualung
Several months ago, I just found a great music player very suitable for use with LXDE named Aqualung. It’s lightweight, written in pure C, gtk+2 only, desktop-independent, and feature-rich at the same time. The user interface is more or less similar to that of LXMusic, but it’s much more feature-complete. So, personally it’s my favorite […]
LXDE Developer Gathering in Taiwan from September 25-27, 2009
The “Software Liberty Asscocation of Taiwan” (SLAT) is featuring the LXDE community during ICOS 2009 – International Conference on Open Source in Taipei in September 2009. Taiwan is the place of LXDE’s birth. And most of the LXDE core developers are based in Taiwan. We are inviting LXDE developers to this event, which is co-organized […]
Exciting improvements in libfm and PCMan File Manager
Recently libfm, the core of next generation file manager, underwent heavy development and rapid changes. Here are some exciting highlights. The repository was completely moved from svn to git now. You can grab the latest source code with following command line: git clone git://libfm.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/libfm Drag and drop now works! You can even drag and drop […]
Recent Development Status of LXNM
LXNM (Lightweight Network Manager) is working now after a long time for development. If you often check the news of SVN, you can notice that the next generation of LXNM has already supported wireless connection setting, also it has many feature as old version of LXNM. The new implementation and protocol defination seems to work […]
LXPanel 0.5.2
There is a new video on LXPanel 0.5.2 on Youtube. It introduces the new functions of LXPanel: Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOKzwGg6Zqs Maces Blog: http://www.maces-net.de/2009/08/06/new-video-on-lxpanel-0-5-2/
Recent Advancement on libfm (core of next generation pcmanfm).
Everybody loves screenshots! Look! It’s sftp://. By utilizing glib/gio and gvfs, now libfm can access remote filesystems supported by gvfs. Currently there is no auto-mounting. So when testing libfm, you need to mount the filesystems with gvfs-mount manually. However this should work once libfm is finished. The current source code in svn repositoy can already […]