LXPanel 0.10.0 and some others…
Last month a big update have happened but lasted unannounced until now, being forgotten. But at least it isn’t forgotten forever. So… version 0.10.0 was released. You may think, if second number changes that would mean there were some improvements made. And you are completely right, there are few! First of all, weather plugin was…
Minor updates: LXPanel, LXAppearance, LXTask.
Another small update on LXDE components. Few packages received bugfixes and therefore were updated. LXPanel 0.9.3, LXAppearance 0.6.3, LXTask 0.1.8 released. No other changes except for bugs fixed, other changes are not ready yet and will come later. New releases tarballs download links: lxpanel-0.9.3.tar.xz – SHA1: b7fd11267b192efcb87dadd38f96bfc3a4c5f448 lxappearance-0.6.3.tar.xz – SHA1: 1c281756b240694d0262edd9d40041d5b127d552 lxtask-0.1.8.tar.xz – SHA1: ad089ceb3cb467e021862c6804ae50f1993919f4…
LXTask 0.1.6 released.
Simple task manager from LXDE set also got further fix for an old bug so it was worth to release fixed version, so this happened yesterday. Enjoy! New release tarball download link: lxtask-0.1.6.tar.xz – SHA1: c61192c8393dd827bd3abad69837d783cfb07d54 Changes since previous release 0.1.6 (see git log for details): Updated text of GPL-2 (in the file COPYING). Switched to…
LXTask 0.1.5 released.
Another LXDE component which is widely used but still wasn’t updated for few years. Don’t worry, bug reports were not ignored, the update fixed most of them hopefully. New release tarball download link: lxtask-0.1.5.tar.xz – SHA1: af203cf9565578fc1fa2acbf99be2810b3a83c7e Changes since previous release 0.1.4 (see git log for details): Translations updates. Removed timer handler when lxtask is going…
LXTask 0.1.4 released!
We just uploaded a new version of LXTask, this version is mainly a memory leak fix but also corrects some other issues and adds newly translated strings. lxtask-0.1.4.tar.gz (SHA1sum: caac0942cdc0b600dd9895fb4c62badb7723cded) The code can now be built with experimental GTK3 support using the switch –enable-gtk3, please report issues with that or other things to the bug…
Translation update!
New week and time for an update regarding the translations for LXDE. During the last week some more users have started the translations in Pootle and by all means have delivered. Significant changes are noted in Danish that are 100% complete by now, good work! If you are new to Pootle and/or translation in general…
LXTask video of the standard LXDE task manager and system monitor
Another video of an LXDE component by Maces. LXTask is the standard task manager and system monitor of LXDE. It starts via Ctrl+Alt+Del and is extremely lightweight. YouTube: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruk6rjAIyRQ Maces Blogpost with German Video: http://www.maces-net.de/2008/10/07/kurzvorstellung-lxtask/ LXTask auf Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?gro… LXTask in the LXDE Wiki: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXTask Mario BehlingMario Behling is a German born serial entrepreneur. He…