LXDE Video of the desktop: Maces explains how to add desktop icons, change colors and fonts, switch different desktops and customize the panel and taskbar on LXDE
Maces: I have uploaded a new video on Youtube. It shows the main features of the LXDE Desktop environment. I will introduce the Panel and it stettings and how to handle with your icons on the Desktop.
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zvel6FB97j0
German Video: http://www.maces-net.de/2008/10/14/neues-video-mit-lxde/
Maces Blog: http://www.maces-net.de/2008/10/13/new-video-on-lxde/
Mario Behling is a German born serial entrepreneur. He founded the lubuntu project, and as the co-founder of FOSSASIA he supports communities to develop open technologies for social change. Mario presently works on SUSI AI from his Singapore base.