Month: November 2008

  • Community First!

    The current release of MySQL shows the problems free and open source software projects face that put business first and community second. Michael “Monty” Widenius critizes in his Blog the current developement model of MySQL and recommends not to use the current release 5.1 of the database system. The reason I am asking you to […]

  • LXDE Meeting in Shenzhen – Video

    There is now a video online of the gathering with the Shenzhen Linux User Group and our discussion about Open Source and LXDE provided from Zhang Le. Thanks a lot! Google Video: Avi-Link: Mario BehlingMario Behling is a German born serial entrepreneur. He founded the lubuntu project, and as the co-founder of FOSSASIA […]

  • Linux User Group Shenzhen (Szlug) Meeting and Presentation of LXDE

    I had a fantastic meeting with the Linux User Group in Shenzhen, which is just on the border to Hong Kong and seat of some famous technology companies such as Huawei and Tencent (QQ). The Shenzhen Linux User Group (Szlug) is one of the biggest Linux User Groups in Asia and has currently 480 members. […]

  • Fedora 10 with LXDE

    We are excited to see another distribution including LXDE. Fedora offers LXDE in its new versions arriving November 26 25, 2008. This release of Fedora comes with an additional desktop environment named LXDE. LXDE is a new project that provides a lightweight, fast desktop environment designed to be usable and slim enough to keep resource […]

  • Netbooks shipping with LXDE on Mandriva

    I met up with the folks from Mandriva in Paris a few days ago and it was exciting to hear some great news. They announced already that they include LXDE in Mandriva 2009. Mandriva is also offering customized Linux versions for netbook manufacturers and has started to ship with LXDE on netbooks in large numbers […]

  • Founding of the Freedesktop Group in Beijing

    I was honered to be a guest at the founding meeting of the Freedesktop Group Bejing (which is part of the College Open Source Society) last Saturday, November 8, 2008 at Tsinghua University and to introduce LXDE to some of the brightest IT students from universities in Beijing. [singlepic=27,400,,,] Since my arrival in Beijing I […]