Lubuntu: LXDE Meet up with Mark Shuttleworth in Berlin
Mario, when will you release Lubuntu? Many people ask this question recently. Actually, we do not have an official distribution named Lubuntu… yet. So time to get in touch with the Ubuntu community and Mark Shuttleworth about a cooperation. I finally met up with Mark today for breakfast here in Berlin and talked with him about […]
LXDE with Ubuntu on Desktoplinux.com and Deviceguru.com
Deviceguru and Desktoplinux.com reviewed the new Ubuntulite Edition which is build with LXDE. The community-run Ubuntulite project aims to extend the useful life of aging, under-resourced hardware, as might be found in schools or nonprofit organizations. Accordingly, instead of using a high end, video-hungry desktop environment, such as GNOME or KDE, this parsimonious OS incorporates […]