LXRandR 0.1.2 released!
It is over two years ago since we released the last version of LXRandR, this version is merely a translation update but still brings some changes into the application that might be worth pointing out. Get the file at sourceforge.net: lxrandr-0.1.2.tar.gz sha1: 5e2642c2e1f4c001ca27a8634ff621fd2fd7892a d9f8449 replace symlink with real file aed7ce0 debian: Add build-depends on xsltproc […]
Upcoming releases
LXDM 0.4.0 was just released. Get the file at sourceforge. But that is not the only thing happening in LXDE land. Next week we will do at least three releases if nothing special happens. PCManFM, libfm and LXDM. PCManFM and libfm has been in development with no updates since last October and the much sought […]