Category: Events

  • LXDE Google Summer of Code 2010

    LXDE is applying as a project for the Google Summer of Code 2010. For students it is a good way to get deeper involved into Free and Open Source Software and LXDE specifically. During the summer students have the chance to code on LXDE and get paid by Google. Some other projects usually also offer […]

  • Our source code repositories has migrated to Git

    We migrated the source code repositories from Subversion to Git recently. Thanks to the HOW-TO, the commit logs in Subversion are all preserved. Why we want to migrate them to Git? The main reason is speed. LXDE is a desktop environment with fast in mind, thus we need a fast SCM which can match our […]

  • LXDE opportunities for OLPC Afghanistan and OLPC Vietnam

    Faster and easier IT tools can benefit a lot of people all over the world. A goal that LXDE shares with One Laptop per Child. To bring LXDE on the XO-laptop can help to turn the XO from a tool for children only into a device for the whole family. OLPC Afghanistan This year in […]

  • LXDE Developer Gathering in Taiwan from September 25-27, 2009

    The “Software Liberty Asscocation of Taiwan” (SLAT) is featuring the LXDE community during ICOS 2009 – International Conference on Open Source in Taipei in September 2009. Taiwan is the place of LXDE’s birth. And most of the LXDE core developers are  based in Taiwan. We are inviting LXDE developers to this event, which is co-organized […]

  • xkb: New Applet for LXPanel

    PCMan has added a new branch named lxpanel-xkb in the LXDE Repository. svn co It’s a new applet for lxpanel which will be a keyboard layout switcher. The original one in lxpanel is broken, and will be removed. The new one will be based on libxlavier, a good library handling xkb. However, we’re from […]

  • LXDE Summer of Code Projects – Apply now

    The Google Summer of Code is now accepting applications from students for projects. There are a number of projects, that could accept LXDE related works. If you have an idea we are open to support you and discuss it. Please join us in the LXDE channel on I would also like to support you […]

  • LXDE Gathering at National University of Singapore with LinuxNUS

    I had a talk and discussion with students and Open Source and Free Software supporters organized by LinuxNUS at the National University of Singapore this week. It really amazes me to see the high level of knowledge here about free and open source software and current developments and I am happy to say, that I […]

  • Summer of Code: Please submit your project ideas

    I have submitted our application for the Google Summer of Code 2009 and we are looking forward to the participation of the LXDE project. We are applying with LXDE and PCMan File Manager as dedicated software projects. We are gathering project ideas for LXDE in the wiki.  If you are interested to join LXDE at […]

  • LXDE Talk at FOSDEM 2009

    We had a fantastic time at FOSDEM 2009 in Brussels. After the Chaos Communication Congress a few weeks ago, we have again seen many people already using LXDE. Christoph Wickert (Fedora)  and I had a lightning talk where we gave an overview of LXDE and the expanding community in front of about 500 people. Special […]

  • Lubuntu: LXDE Meet up with Mark Shuttleworth in Berlin

    Mario, when will you release Lubuntu? Many people ask this question recently. Actually, we do not have an official distribution named Lubuntu… yet. So time to get in touch with the Ubuntu community and Mark Shuttleworth about a cooperation. I finally met up with Mark today for breakfast here in Berlin and talked with him about […]