Serbian and (soon) Catalan translations added!

LXDE пројекат је данас веома срећан да објави да је српски још један од подржаних језика у LXDE радном окружењу. Са српским преводом, број корисника које могу користити LXDE радно окружење на матерњем језику повећава за око 11 милиона!

LXDE is now almost completely translated to Serbian after a huge effort of the sole translator Jay Alexander. PCManFM is not translated by now but as there might not be any new releases at all for that project all core components and major parts of the DE is done. Good work and welcome all Serbian speaking users!

For Catalan there are two people working on the translation, it looks promising from the updates in the wiki page. Stay tuned for the addition of Catalan soon.

(The excerpt in Serbian above is a translation of this English phrase. The LXDE project is today very happy to announce that Serbian is another of the supported languages of LXDE. With Serbian the number of users that can have LXDE in their native tounge increases with about 11 million!)

2 responses to “Serbian and (soon) Catalan translations added!”

  1. Translation of what percentage of the desktop leads one to attain “supported” status ? I am doing the translations for Bengali (India) and, it would be a piece of information that would help me a lot.

  2. Yey for Serbian! Thank you, Jay Alexander whoever you are! 🙂

    I’ve tried LXDE in the past, but I’ll sure give it another spin again!

    Pozdrav iz Srbije!