Menu-Cache 0.7.0 released.

We are sorry that news come to you late but that’s how it is. Yet in very beginning of this autumn next feature release of library that supports cached access to XDG-compliant desktop menus happened.
New release tarball download link:
menu-cache-0.7.0.tar.xz – SHA1: da29b2dabad0c5fff4d0a9771dff3425038166fa

Changes since previous release 0.6.1 (see git log for details):

  • Added bit of support for multiple supported cache file versions, using CACHE_GEN_VERSION environment variable to the generator. This may be useful in future when 1.2 cache file version will be implemented.
  • The menu-cache-gen libexec binary is rewritten from scratch. No that Red Hat / GNOME code anymore. New menu-cache-gen uses libfm-extra XML manipulation functions therefore it is required now for build.
  • Added a parameter for menu-cached to specify socket path instead of calculating one, that is definitely more safe.
  • Libmenu-cache handles menu-cached failure more gracefully now, don’t tries to restart it so fast that it clones many times.
  • Fixed menu-cached crash after menu-cache-gen failure.