If I had a XO as a child!?

Visited the local post office earlier this week and collected a parcel from Berlin. Mario had sent me one OLPC XO courtsey of the LXDE Foundation. I will use it to participate in the LXDE based efforts for doing things for the OLPC project. The aims for the LXDE side of thing is to take the XO to children in a slightly older target audience. Kinda strange, I was stunned by the nice things included in the standard setup.

We did the unboxing at my house (I live with four other people here and we had even a guest from Switzerland over) and we were all amazed of the cute little machine. Me and one of the girls who are more in to the programming and doing interesting stuff besides surfing with a computer was carried away. I found myslef longing back to the days when I was a child. Ok, my C64 is still a bit cooler than the XO but there are some interesting similarities. The standard setup have some different applications to teach programming, more code in some and more for the problem solving in some. Terrific! That’s how it used to be back in the days (check out hacketyhack and _why for a overview of some the things I belive in. Doing real interesting stuff and not be served everything for instance).

Anyhow. I just got my developer key installed and disabled security in the machine, this will enable me to reflash it with either Fedora or Debian to run LXDE on top. As I am the Debian guy in other choices I am leaning more towards Fedora, kinda nice to be able to see something new here. I’ll check with cwickert about the status of the Fedora things.

The neighborhood thing is really really cool. Together with the mesh networking it’s like mindblowing. Why is that not default in all laptops? =)

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