Month: June 2009

  • LXDE one of the largest open-source teams in the world

    I just found this factoid on Ohloh and I am amazed to read this: LXDE: Very large, active development team Over the past twelve months, 26 developers contributed new code to LXDE. This is one of the largest open-source teams in the world, and is in the top 2% of all project teams on Ohloh. […]

  • Feel free to chat with us on IRC available at LXDE website

    Thanks Mibbit, we can make IRC chat easily available in our website. And, it is here:

  • LXNM current status and the plan in the future

    Next generation of LXNM (Lightweight Network Manager) is still under development right now, You guys can see the prototype which was implemented in SVN already. In the future, LXNM will provide some programs includes lxnm daemon, utility which is a command line program to make control of all kind of networking devices be unified into […]

  • LXDE core member Chris Wickert for Fedora Engeneering Steering Committee

    Please support LXDE and vote for our core member Chris Wickert in the elections of the Fedora Engeneering Steering Committee. Christoph is the maintainer of Xfce and LXDE in Fedora. A vote for Chris is a vote for lightweight desktops in Fedora. His goals are to make Fedora more lightweight and less ressource hungry as […]

  • Next generation PCManFM is now under development!

    Everybody loves screenshots! This is the little demo program included in libfm demonstrating the functionality of libfm – the core of next generation PCManFM. Due to some limitations and various hard-to-fix problems in the original PCManFM, a new project is started to work on a fresh rewrite of PCManFM. Now I’ve created a project named […]

  • LXDE start pages in Portuguese

    The start pages are now available in Portuguese thanks to Henrique P. Machado (zehrique) from Brazil who has translated the content. The set up of the language was done together with Mwei from Taiwan. We welcome contributors who are interested in having the LXDE start pages in their language. Please contact us through the […]

  • xkb: New Applet for LXPanel

    PCMan has added a new branch named lxpanel-xkb in the LXDE Repository. svn co It’s a new applet for lxpanel which will be a keyboard layout switcher. The original one in lxpanel is broken, and will be removed. The new one will be based on libxlavier, a good library handling xkb. However, we’re from […]

  • If you don’t like to be forced to use gnome standards, please join xdg mailing list.

    The current standard/specifications followed by most of the major UNIX desktop enviromnents, such as Gnome, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, and ROX, is called  See for detail. is formed by a group of developers. Developers duscusses on the so called ‘xdg’ mailing list to come up with some specs which will be followed by […]

  • PCManFM: OpenSolaris distribution Milax with LXDE component

    The first LXDE component has been included in an OpenSolaris distribution. Milax includes PCMan File Manager in its new release. The LXDE/OpenSolaris project was started last year. Alfred Peng from China is responsible for porting LXDE components to OpenSolaris. Links: * * PCManFM * * Mario BehlingMario Behling is a German […]