LXDE at Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2009

The feedback on LXDE at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Germany has been fantastic. Klaus Knopper presented LXDE as a default on Knoppix. Christoph Wickert showed how to install LXDE on different systems and Marcus Schulderisnky introduced people to ways to translate LXDE. Here are voices from the blogosphere.

Making USB Sticks with LXDE at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2009

LXDE was a very important topic. We created USB-Sticks of Christoph Wickert’s LiveCD with LXDE on the visitors USB-Sticks.
Simon Wesp (Cassmodiah auf #lxde), http://cassmodiah.de/2009-03-16/clt-resume/

Ein kleines Highlight für mich war: Christoph Wickert schult Klaus Knopper in einer Knoppix-Vorlesung über LXDE! :-p

Jörg Simon (unser verantwortlicher Ambassador für den CLT> LXDE on Fedora was the Superstar this year – and what could be better
> than have the maintainer and a another LXDE upstream developer of this
> project at the Fedora Booth! We created Live-USB’s all the time, all
> Fedora Live CD’s are out since the first day, …

> Our booth was constantly visited, but after Klaus Knopper’s LXDE Talk,
> where Christoph raised the Fedora Flag for “the most complete
> implementation of LXDE”, Chritstoph had to bear with quite a bunch of
> people at the same time 😉

Max Spevack:
> We have a projector at the booth, which has been really great for
> showing people different Fedora web pages, […]
> Christoph Wickert has probably been the busiest Fedora person today,
> because he is giving a talk about LXDE, as well as a workshop. Klaus
> Knopper mentioned LXDE & Fedora during his talk about Knoppix, and
> this triggered a rush of people to the Fedora booth who wanted demos.
> We even switched the window manager on the computer hooked up to our
> projector to LXDE, and the computer (which was quite old) started
> running much faster than it was previously, with KDE 4.x. I’m really
> pleased (both for Fedora and for Christoph personally) to see his hard
> work with the rest of the LXDE upstream paying off.

Und noch ein paar andere Reaktionen, die ich gefunden habe:

> Als besonderer Schlager erwies sich dabei das Referat von Klaus
> Knopper zum schlanken Desktop-System LXDE, bei dem über 400
> interessierte Zuhörer den Saal bis in die letzte Ecke füllten.

> Die vielen interessanten Vorträge machten es schwer, eine Auswahl zu
> treffen. Da habe ich mir gewünscht, das ich “Viele” wäre. Ich habe mir
> die Vorträge von Klaus Knopper (LXDE – ein schlanker Desktop), J.
> Lichdi (Online-Durchsuchung und Vorratsdatenspeicherung), Dr.
> Klostermann (Daten im Netz aus rechtlicher Sicht) und K.U. Lockhoff
> (*BSD-Alternativen zu Linux) angehört.

> Jetzt LXDE vortrag. #clt09

> Lxde-vortrag: browserempfehlung midori? Sehr gut! Der ist noch viel zu
> unbekannt! #clt09 #lxde

> Freundin findet vortrag spannend. #clt09 #lxde

Und zum Abschluss natürlich einige Fotos:



One response to “LXDE at Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2009”

  1. Hi

    I only can agree, it was a very nice event. Specially the talk of Klaus Knopper increased LXDE’s popularity.
