LXDE on ARM architectures: Sharp Zaurus

Zubuntu with LXDEThe LXDE project is pushing its way onto the market for mobile devices and ARM architectures. LXDE is now available for Sharp Zaurus in a specialized Ubuntu Linux distribution (Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron) called “Zubuntu”. Zubuntu is developed by hacker Omegamoon and can be booted (mostly) from flash memory.

The Zubuntu project was inspired by Nokia’s Handheld Mojo project, which is porting Ubuntu to the ARM architecture. In creating his root filesystem for the Sharp Zaurus, Omegamoon drew pre-built binaries from the ARMv5EL (ARM9) branch of Mojo Project’s Frisky Firedrake tree. (http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS3781573061.html)


* Installation Instrutions: http://www.omegamoon.com/blog/static.php?page=ZaurusUbuntu
* Blog of Omegamoon: http://www.omegamoon.com/blog/