If you don’t like to be forced to use gnome standards, please join xdg mailing list.
The current standard/specifications followed by most of the major UNIX desktop enviromnents, such as Gnome, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, and ROX, is called freedesktop.org. See http://www.freedesktop.org/ for detail. Freedesktop.org is formed by a group of developers. Developers duscusses on the so called ‘xdg’ mailing list to come up with some specs which will be followed by […]
Founding of the Freedesktop Group in Beijing
I was honered to be a guest at the founding meeting of the Freedesktop Group Bejing (which is part of the College Open Source Society) last Saturday, November 8, 2008 at Tsinghua University and to introduce LXDE to some of the brightest IT students from universities in Beijing. [singlepic=27,400,,,] Since my arrival in Beijing I […]