Category: Community

  • “The future of Razor and LXDE-Qt”

    Jerome Leclanche from the Razor-qt project posted to the LXDE and Razor-qt mailing lists yesterday about the future of the Razor project and the LXDE Qt subproject. “…we have decided that the best course of action for both projects is to focus on a single desktop environment, instead of two. There have been talks of…

  • Will LXDE continue to use

    UPDATE: We’ve dropped transifex by now. Maybe. The recent weeks have been interesting in the world of online translation management as Transifex got promoted to 1.0. As we are one of the project using the hosted service at since almost a year now it was with both joy and disappointment we read the changelog.…

  • LXDE on Nexus One phone

    Sven Killig has managed to run LXDE on his Nexus One in a USB host mode. He has made a video showing how all kinds of devices plugged in – including a web cam, keyboards, screens and a display link unit. Connect USB devices to your Nexus One Hardware Nexus One Micro USB OTG cable…

  • Google Summer of Code: Please submit your ideas and student applications for LXDE

    LXDE has been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2010. We are looking forward to a great summer with more people joining development. Please propose ideas for the program on our idea page. Students wishing to apply, please check out the Student Check List in the wiki and join us on…

  • openSUSE-LXDE development status

    Ok people… openSUSE 11.3 Milestone2 has been released and quite soon we will have the Milestone3. So now, after lot’s of promises, what is the status now? IT’S DONE! yes… it’s done… openSUSE 11.3 allow now to install LXDE directly from installation DVD or Net install. I’m sure all of you reading this post wants…

  • LXDE Google Summer of Code 2010

    LXDE is applying as a project for the Google Summer of Code 2010. For students it is a good way to get deeper involved into Free and Open Source Software and LXDE specifically. During the summer students have the chance to code on LXDE and get paid by Google. Some other projects usually also offer…

  • LXDE opportunities for OLPC Afghanistan and OLPC Vietnam

    Faster and easier IT tools can benefit a lot of people all over the world. A goal that LXDE shares with One Laptop per Child. To bring LXDE on the XO-laptop can help to turn the XO from a tool for children only into a device for the whole family. OLPC Afghanistan This year in…

  • LXDE Fedora for the XO of One Laptop per Child (OLPC)

    After our meet up at the Google Summit in Mountain View last week Yaakov Nemoy now published a simple Hacking Guide for LXDE/Fedora on the XO of the OLPC project. While Christoph Wickert and the LXDE team is already working on a fully supported version for the XO, this is “a bunch of quick and…

  • LXDE Developer Gathering in Taiwan from September 25-27, 2009

    The “Software Liberty Asscocation of Taiwan” (SLAT) is featuring the LXDE community during ICOS 2009 – International Conference on Open Source in Taipei in September 2009. Taiwan is the place of LXDE’s birth. And most of the LXDE core developers are  based in Taiwan. We are inviting LXDE developers to this event, which is co-organized…

  • LXPanel 0.5.2

    There is a new video on LXPanel 0.5.2 on Youtube. It introduces the new functions of LXPanel: Youtube: Maces Blog: