Summer of Code slots available for LXDE through Debian
There are still opportunities for people interested in working on LXDE as a summer of code project. We are in touch for example with the Debian project, who offered to give spots to students from the LXDE project for example for a better integration. Also, new student projects are welcome. The summer of code program […]
LXDE Summer of Code Projects – Apply now
The Google Summer of Code is now accepting applications from students for projects. There are a number of projects, that could accept LXDE related works. If you have an idea we are open to support you and discuss it. Please join us in the LXDE channel on irc.oftc.net. I would also like to support you […]
LXDE on OpenSolaris
Alfred Peng from Wuhan, China started to port LXDE to OpenSolaris. I met him in Singapore and could see how it is running already pretty smoothly. Since it’s a GTK based desktop environment, some of the applications (pcmanfm, lxpanel, lxappearance, lxlauncher etc.) can be easily built and installed. But some still don’t work. The network […]
LXDE at Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2009
The feedback on LXDE at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Germany has been fantastic. Klaus Knopper presented LXDE as a default on Knoppix. Christoph Wickert showed how to install LXDE on different systems and Marcus Schulderisnky introduced people to ways to translate LXDE. Here are voices from the blogosphere. LXDE was a very important topic. We […]
LXDE Gathering at National University of Singapore with LinuxNUS
I had a talk and discussion with students and Open Source and Free Software supporters organized by LinuxNUS at the National University of Singapore this week. It really amazes me to see the high level of knowledge here about free and open source software and current developments and I am happy to say, that I […]
Summer of Code: Please submit your project ideas
I have submitted our application for the Google Summer of Code 2009 and we are looking forward to the participation of the LXDE project. We are applying with LXDE and PCMan File Manager as dedicated software projects. We are gathering project ideas for LXDE in the wiki. If you are interested to join LXDE at […]
LXDE running on Android phones
LXDE has been ported to Googles Android by ghostwalker of androidfanatic.com. Thank you very much! We are pretty excited about running X-Windows and more specifically the LXDE Desktop GUI on mobile phones like the G-1. While IceWM, performance-wise runs the fastest – LXDE is also pretty good, and just plain ‘prettier! (http://www.androidfanatic.com/cms/com…) Detailed installation instructions […]
Wallpapers for LXDE
You are a designer and have ideas for beautiful wallpapers? Take them into reality and post them in our forum to get feedback and have others using them: http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=261 Standard LXDE desktop wallpaper Mario BehlingMario Behling is a German born serial entrepreneur. He founded the lubuntu project, and as the co-founder of FOSSASIA he supports […]
LXDE on ARM architectures: Sharp Zaurus
The LXDE project is pushing its way onto the market for mobile devices and ARM architectures. LXDE is now available for Sharp Zaurus in a specialized Ubuntu Linux distribution (Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron) called “Zubuntu”. Zubuntu is developed by hacker Omegamoon and can be booted (mostly) from flash memory. The Zubuntu project was inspired by […]
Summer of Code: Meet up with Leslie Hawthorn Community Manager of Google
The strength of an Open Source FOSS project comes from its community. Google has realized that and supports the community with its Summer of Code programme. I had the chance to meet up at an earlybird breakfast in Brussels with Leslie Hawthorn and some folks from Google like Peter Anvin to discuss some ideas of […]