And yet another small tool that has no releases over 3 years. This could not continue any more, especially since its usability was so poor. And therefore two releases, one after another – 0.2.0, then 0.3.0 – first was just few fixes, and second improved the interface. This tool became much more useful now, we believe it. Read, install, test, and enjoy! And file bugs if you find any, of course, the tracker waits you.
New release tarball download link:
lxrandr-0.3.0.tar.xz – SHA1: 5f0e8c2db9b92bea67e89651825bbecbf72eff3e
Changes since previous release 0.1.2 (see git log for details):
- Translations updates.
- Few updates to build package using more recent auto-tools.
- Fixed regexp on finding interfaces: DVI-I-1 wasn’t parsed correctly (see bug in Debian tracker).
- Fixed call to xrandr to use sh (see bug in Debian tracker).
- Added two other quick options: (1) put external monitor to right of LVDS (2) put it above LVDS.
- Fixed quick options button selection – it should not exit but allow to save configuration first, or change it again.
- Let don’t exit on ‘Apply’ button but let user try another mode or save it (see bug in Ubuntu tracker).
- Fixed spelling error: accessable -> accessible, and few untranslated strings became translatable.
- Fixed failing detection of internal screen in some cases.
- Implemented positioning of monitors in ‘Advanced’ tab. First one (or internal, depending on computer type) is positioned “Default”.
- Implemented automatic diagnostic for monitors placement.
- Fixed quick option “Show the same image on both monitors”.
- Implemented confirmation dialog on mode(s) change. It now does change, then asks for confirmation, and reverts changes back if not confirmed within 15 seconds.
- Added –enable-debug option to configure script.
- Added compilation notes into README file.