Upcoming releases

LXDM 0.4.0 was just released. Get the file at sourceforge.

But that is not the only thing happening in LXDE land. Next week we will do at least three releases if nothing special happens. PCManFM, libfm and LXDM.

PCManFM and libfm has been in development with no updates since last October and the much sought after feature of a directory tree has returned.

LXDM will “just” be a service release to get more translations into shape; Esperanto makes its first appearance in an LXDE component by this. Happy times. All three components are scheduled for release at the 27th of July.

The best guess by now is that more components will get releases in the coming weeks, some of them has seen no releases for years but has seem interesting features hidden in the git HEAD.

LXDM 0.4.0 had an error in the release, there has been a new release dubbed LXDM 0.4.1 to fix this issue and include the l10n updates as mentioned above.

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5 responses to “Upcoming releases”

  1. have the libfm issue regarding gio inteference been fixed?

  2. turn.self.off: what bug number was that? I am only doing the release management, the version we are pushing now got most of the code committed late June/early July.

  3. Please write a correct manual how to install lxdm in the system. ‘Cause

    ./configure –prefix=/usr –sysconfdir=/etc && make

    just compile binaries and make install copies them to the system (/usr).

    But when you’re trying to login into system, using lxdm – nothing happens.

    I mean all that things, that do pre and postinst scripts in deb and other packages (for example setting default-display-manager and other)