LXDE in CentOS

Avelino from the CentOS Community in Brazil and Chris Wickert had an interesting talk on the LXDE IRC (irc.oftc.net #lxde), how to make LXDE run in CentOS.

There are no LXDE rpms for CentOS yet, but it is possible to rebuild the srpms from Fedora.

You can grab the latest packages from https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates, use the search box to search for a package and then install as described in http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Fedora.

If you download and install the CentOS RPM it should work fine (https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/search/lxde).

You will also need menu-cache if you install latest lxpanel 0.4.0 or a later version.

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