LXDE at the 25C3 Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin


Members of the LXDE community are currently meeting at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin. The 25C3 is one of the biggest hacker and developer events in the world with more than 3000 hackers gathering for 4 days just after Christmas.
LXDE at the 25c3 Chaos Communication Congress
Mario Behling, Maces, alx

It is exciting to be here and see that many people already installed LXDE or try it out at the congress after our demo.

Trying out LXDE at the 25c3

The first Chaos Communication Congress took place in 1984 and is expanding every year. This year has been another amazing milestone. The maximum of 3000 tickets was sold out on the first day. The base for the LXDE project was set up in the hackerspace in the basement in a cozy corner with our friends from OpenWRT, freifunk.net, guifi.net, OLSR and Openpattern.

Elektra (Villagetelco), Xavier Carcelle (Openpattern.org), Roger Baig (guifi.net) Mario Behling (LXDE/Freifunk.net)
elektra, Xavier Carcelle, Roger Baig, Mario

We also got some work done during the congress. Lars of OpenWRT just finished work on packages of LXDE components for OpenWRT and we got together with Xavier Carcelle of Openpattern for preparations of the OpenTechSummit 2009 in Taiwan and pushing the idea of Open Hardware.