[lmbench3.0 results for Linux lxde-0 2.6.26-1-eeepc #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 1 04:30:12 CST 2008 i686 GNU/Linux] [LMBENCH_VER: 3.0-a7] [BENCHMARK_HARDWARE: NO] [BENCHMARK_OS: YES] [ALL: 512 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32k 64k 128k 256k 512k 1m 2m 4m 8m 16m 32m 64m 128m 256m 512m] [DISKS: ] [DISK_DESC: ] [ENOUGH: 5000] [FAST: ] [FASTMEM: NO] [FILE: /var/tmp/XXX] [FSDIR: /var/tmp] [HALF: 512 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32k 64k 128k 256k 512k 1m 2m 4m 8m 16m 32m 64m 128m 256m] [INFO: INFO.lxde-0] [LINE_SIZE: 128] [LOOP_O: 0.00000000] [MB: 702] [MHZ: 894 MHz, 1.1186 nanosec clock] [MOTHERBOARD: ] [NETWORKS: ] [PROCESSORS: 2] [REMOTE: ] [SLOWFS: NO] [OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu] [SYNC_MAX: 1] [LMBENCH_SCHED: DEFAULT] [TIMING_O: 1] [LMBENCH VERSION: 3.0-20080923] [USER: root] [HOSTNAME: lxde-0] [NODENAME: lxde-0] [SYSNAME: Linux] [PROCESSOR: unknown] [MACHINE: i686] [RELEASE: 2.6.26-1-eeepc] [VERSION: #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 1 04:30:12 CST 2008] [Tue Sep 23 13:19:42 CST 2008] [ 13:19:42 up 8 min, 0 users, load average: 0.22, 0.20, 0.10] [net: Kernel Interface table] Kernel: error fetching interface information: Device not found [net: Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg] Iface: error fetching interface information: Device not found [net: ath0 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BMRU] [if: ath0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:15:af:78:c5:9b] [if: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1] [if: RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0] [if: TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0] [if: collisions:0 txqueuelen:0] [if: RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)] [if: ] [net: eth0 1500 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BMRU] [if: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1f:c6:46:c1:5e] [if: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1] [if: RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0] [if: TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:2] [if: collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000] [if: RX bytes:1719 (1.6 KiB) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)] [if: Memory:fbfc0000-fc000000] [if: ] [net: lo 16436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LRU] [if: lo Link encap:Local Loopback] [if: inet addr: Mask:] [if: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1] [if: RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0] [if: TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0] [if: collisions:0 txqueuelen:0] [if: RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)] [if: ] [net: wifi0 1500 0 1900 0 0 0 2489 0 0 0 BMRU] [if: wifi0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-15-AF-78-C5-9B-F8-E1-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00] [if: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1] [if: RX packets:1900 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:119] [if: TX packets:2489 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0] [if: collisions:0 txqueuelen:280] [if: RX bytes:337672 (329.7 KiB) TX bytes:114494 (111.8 KiB)] [if: Interrupt:18] [if: ] [mount: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,noatime,relatime,errors=remount-ro)] [mount: tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)] [mount: tmpfs on /var/run type tmpfs (rw)] [mount: tmpfs on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw)] [mount: devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)] Simple syscall: 0.2597 microseconds Simple read: 0.5423 microseconds Simple write: 0.4387 microseconds Simple stat: 2.2012 microseconds Simple fstat: 0.6693 microseconds Simple open/close: 3.5075 microseconds Select on 10 fd's: 1.1943 microseconds Select on 100 fd's: 5.6629 microseconds Select on 250 fd's: 12.8310 microseconds Select on 500 fd's: 24.9550 microseconds Select on 10 tcp fd's: 1.2916 microseconds Select on 100 tcp fd's: 9.8404 microseconds Select on 250 tcp fd's: 23.9048 microseconds Select on 500 tcp fd's: 49.2655 microseconds Signal handler installation: 0.9828 microseconds Signal handler overhead: 3.8573 microseconds Protection fault: 0.6857 microseconds Pipe latency: 8.3361 microseconds AF_UNIX sock stream latency: 12.8974 microseconds Process fork+exit: 226.2917 microseconds Process fork+execve: 846.0000 microseconds Process fork+/bin/sh -c: 4071.0000 microseconds write: No space left on device write: wanted=8192 got=-1 File /var/tmp/XXX write bandwidth: 11146 KB/sec Pagefaults on /var/tmp/XXX: 1.7607 microseconds "mappings 0.524288 11 1.048576 18 2.097152 31 4.194304 62 8.388608 111 16.777216 208 33.554432 416 67.108864 815 134.217728 1663 Input file too small Input file too small "File system latency 0k 252 41784 80520 1k 59 11090 47038 4k 77 12350 47365 10k 56 9267 35556 Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused unable to register (XACT_PROG, XACT_VERS, udp). UDP latency using localhost: 16.2973 microseconds TCP latency using localhost: 21.8963 microseconds localhost: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive localhost: RPC: Remote system error - Connection refused ÉÃ: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive TCP/IP connection cost to localhost: 83.0308 microseconds Socket bandwidth using localhost 0.000001 0.37 MB/sec 0.000064 24.40 MB/sec 0.000128 48.76 MB/sec 0.000256 84.27 MB/sec 0.000512 142.74 MB/sec 0.001024 216.63 MB/sec 0.001437 238.40 MB/sec 10.485760 214.53 MB/sec Avg xfer: 3.2KB, 41.8KB in 3.1270 millisecs, 13.36 MB/sec AF_UNIX sock stream bandwidth: 716.45 MB/sec Pipe bandwidth: 606.93 MB/sec "read bandwidth 0.000512 85.21 0.001024 454.49 0.002048 754.39 0.004096 1118.98 0.008192 1334.13 0.016384 1356.04 0.032768 1018.97 0.065536 844.57 0.131072 783.65 0.262144 783.40 0.524288 725.41 1.05 652.40 2.10 646.57 4.19 641.43 8.39 650.73 16.78 663.31 33.55 648.60 67.11 620.48 134.22 627.70 268.44 833.52 536.87 1832.12 "read open2close bandwidth 0.000512 102.82 0.001024 187.34 0.002048 357.41 0.004096 598.94 0.008192 880.54 0.016384 993.06 0.032768 926.62 0.065536 848.36 0.131072 845.80 0.262144 866.06 0.524288 801.97 1.05 753.02 2.10 751.53 4.19 752.61 8.39 751.87 16.78 757.06 33.55 754.07 67.11 747.02 134.22 726.05 268.44 936.63 536.87 1854.41 "Mmap read bandwidth 0.000512 3025.12 0.001024 3262.75 0.002048 3397.16 0.004096 3469.88 0.008192 3506.59 0.016384 3523.76 0.032768 3423.70 0.065536 2509.64 0.131072 1977.73 0.262144 1990.97 0.524288 1680.71 1.05 1367.62 2.10 1337.68 4.19 1337.90 8.39 1213.63 16.78 1115.51 33.55 1340.89 67.11 1341.56 134.22 1267.76 out of range! out of range! "Mmap read open2close bandwidth 0.000512 59.09 0.001024 115.55 0.002048 219.42 0.004096 426.62 0.008192 655.85 0.016384 906.03 0.032768 1045.47 0.065536 1131.37 0.131072 1049.72 0.262144 1045.65 0.524288 955.16 1.05 862.88 2.10 866.71 4.19 870.91 8.39 874.63 16.78 876.37 33.55 877.81 67.11 867.11 134.22 846.77 out of range! out of range! "libc bcopy unaligned 0.000512 1259.99 0.001024 2079.13 0.002048 3009.02 0.004096 3771.50 0.008192 4602.86 0.016384 4888.89 0.032768 2357.11 0.065536 2382.48 0.131072 2069.93 0.262144 1136.84 0.524288 673.40 1.05 592.42 2.10 560.74 4.19 553.92 8.39 551.08 16.78 577.79 33.55 583.88 67.11 569.14 134.22 598.51 268.44 584.17 "libc bcopy aligned 0.000512 1261.13 0.001024 2078.79 0.002048 3008.24 0.004096 3949.66 0.008192 4665.47 0.016384 4824.97 0.032768 2315.36 0.065536 1699.47 0.131072 1848.39 0.262144 1119.19 0.524288 679.35 1.05 592.67 2.10 566.57 4.19 560.89 8.39 570.81 16.78 577.37 33.55 592.10 67.11 575.11 134.22 606.23 268.44 595.14 Memory bzero bandwidth 0.000512 1669.16 0.001024 2445.94 0.002048 3209.61 0.004096 3787.62 0.008192 4176.72 0.016384 4389.94 0.032768 4507.89 0.065536 3553.44 0.131072 3132.54 0.262144 822.96 0.524288 1719.57 1.05 1168.11 2.10 1013.61 4.19 1010.55 8.39 1001.86 16.78 981.18 33.55 974.80 67.11 971.92 134.22 937.50 268.44 937.54 536.87 943.05 "unrolled bcopy unaligned 0.000512 2859.11 0.001024 2977.63 0.002048 2961.85 0.004096 2998.12 0.008192 3012.07 0.016384 2985.92 0.032768 1301.69 0.065536 1414.70 0.131072 1239.45 0.262144 924.41 0.524288 589.37 1.05 530.03 2.10 512.94 4.19 489.70 8.39 496.28 16.78 504.71 33.55 529.93 67.11 515.07 134.22 539.01 268.44 528.84 "unrolled partial bcopy unaligned 0.000512 10095.35 0.001024 10505.71 0.002048 11427.26 0.004096 11671.98 0.008192 11775.81 0.016384 11432.69 0.032768 2079.56 0.065536 2077.51 0.131072 1205.97 0.262144 981.63 0.524288 645.67 1.05 556.96 2.10 534.71 4.19 503.16 8.39 505.16 16.78 524.22 33.55 558.27 67.11 549.44 134.22 587.33 268.44 572.29 Memory read bandwidth 0.000512 3455.51 0.001024 3496.85 0.002048 3517.46 0.004096 3528.10 0.008192 3532.99 0.016384 3536.24 0.032768 3472.62 0.065536 2494.12 0.131072 2493.03 0.262144 2494.33 0.524288 1723.30 1.05 1413.41 2.10 1341.10 4.19 1339.61 8.39 1340.25 16.78 1342.18 33.55 1335.39 67.11 1199.72 134.22 1264.77 268.44 1302.23 536.87 1295.66 Memory partial read bandwidth 0.000512 12954.83 0.001024 13406.20 0.002048 13625.33 0.004096 13742.59 0.008192 13801.34 0.016384 13829.73 0.032768 13368.25 0.065536 7284.41 0.131072 5844.13 0.262144 6465.01 0.524288 3150.31 1.05 2257.83 2.10 2102.41 4.19 2103.11 8.39 2107.69 16.78 2100.30 33.55 2109.28 67.11 2090.42 134.22 2103.50 268.44 2013.07 536.87 2032.65 Memory write bandwidth 0.000512 3465.57 0.001024 3478.59 0.002048 3524.09 0.004096 3525.55 0.008192 3540.43 0.016384 3541.05 0.032768 3513.18 0.065536 2573.96 0.131072 2132.04 0.262144 1578.90 0.524288 1026.55 1.05 657.00 2.10 581.01 4.19 588.01 8.39 594.94 16.78 554.45 33.55 532.69 67.11 514.12 134.22 513.49 268.44 513.08 536.87 521.25 Memory partial write bandwidth 0.000512 12706.29 0.001024 12870.83 0.002048 13553.96 0.004096 13707.84 0.008192 13786.39 0.016384 13824.74 0.032768 13449.82 0.065536 2895.12 0.131072 2393.79 0.262144 1803.98 0.524288 1079.19 1.05 728.05 2.10 635.69 4.19 641.33 8.39 645.28 16.78 586.72 33.55 565.65 67.11 549.46 134.22 566.75 268.44 568.11 536.87 575.66 Memory partial read/write bandwidth 0.000512 11500.83 0.001024 11929.55 0.002048 12278.07 0.004096 12199.84 0.008192 12248.08 0.016384 12260.66 0.032768 11805.76 0.065536 2932.68 0.131072 2915.85 0.262144 1872.79 0.524288 1164.44 1.05 722.28 2.10 643.10 4.19 646.87 8.39 648.27 16.78 597.84 33.55 569.16 67.11 550.89 134.22 570.74 268.44 575.06 536.87 581.09 "size=0k ovr=2.36 2 1.71 4 1.98 8 2.28 16 2.72 24 3.02 32 3.36 64 4.64 96 5.48 "size=4k ovr=3.64 2 1.60 4 2.11 8 2.91 16 3.38 24 4.80 32 5.45 64 7.40 96 8.33 "size=8k ovr=4.73 2 1.75 4 2.99 8 4.15 16 5.15 24 6.49 32 7.82 64 10.33 96 10.72 "size=16k ovr=7.15 2 3.09 4 4.01 8 5.98 16 8.16 24 11.00 32 12.60 64 15.03 96 14.46 "size=32k ovr=14.32 2 3.74 4 3.85 8 8.92 16 14.89 24 17.99 32 19.82 64 21.03 96 19.43 "size=64k ovr=29.15 2 5.96 4 8.77 8 21.05 16 28.77 24 28.30 32 30.03 64 31.22 96 28.25 [Tue Sep 23 13:27:13 CST 2008]